How to install Gnome Desktop with Debain in Termux | No Root

Run Gnome Debian in Android

now its time to use debian with Gnome, which is the best distribution I have ever used. So in this article, I will walk you through to setup gnome desktop with debian.



So go ahead and launch termux, now before installing anything, we will update our repositories,

pkg update

Next we need to install proot-distro,

pkg install proot-distro -y

Then execute following to install debian,

proot-distro install debian

now we will create a shortcut to log into debian,

echo "proot-distro login debian --bind /dev/null:/proc/sys/kernel/cap_last_cap" >> $PREFIX/bin/debian

Then give executable permission to it,

chmod +x $PREFIX/bin/debian

now just execute debian to launch it.


now here before doing anything further we will add colors to it, so rm existing .bashrc file

rm ~/.bashrc

Copy a new one,

cp /etc/skel/.bashrc ~

Then execute following, and What this will do is change prompt color to red, now just exit,


and login again


Now we have that colors, next update your repositories,

apt update

Then execute following to install minimal gnome desktop,

apt install gnome-shell gnome-terminal gnome-tweaks gnome-shell-extension-dashtodock dbus-x11 tigervnc-standalone-server gedit nano -y

This will take some time, so wait till it is finished, And that we have to configure vnc, so create a vnc directory

mkdir .vnc

then open xstartup file

nano .vnc/xstartup

And paste following in it,

service dbus start
gnome-shell --x11

Then just save it with CTRL X Y AND enter give executeable permission to it

chmod +x .vnc/xstartup

Fixing systemd issue with Gnome

for file in $(find /usr -type f -iname "*login1*"); do rm -rf $file 


Start Vnc Server

vncserver :1

Now Go to any vnc client and connect to vncserver.

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