Run Ubuntu Gnome 23.19 on Android using Termux
Ubuntu is the best Linux to get started as it is easy-to-use and beginner friendly, So In this article we will see how we can install Ubuntu on Android with Termux and the best part is that you don't need root access to do it. And we will also install GUI and will make it look exactly like real ubuntu desktop.
Installing Ubuntu
So first go to Termux and make sure that your repositories are up-to-date and also install proot-distro
pkg update -y
pkg install proot-distro
Now it's time to install Ubuntu, execute following to install it
proot-distro install ubuntu
Login to it
proot-distro login ubuntu
Now first update it's repositories and install some basic packages
apt update
apt install sudo nano
Next we need to setup a local user, as it is better to use a local user instead of root user
apt-get install adduser
export USER=(Your username) ; adduser $USER ; echo "$USER ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL" >> /etc/sudoers
Here you have to replace
(Your username)
with your own. such, zakaria
It will ask you to set you password so just create your password and then keep pressing enter for rest of the questions.
Now login with the user you created
su - (Your username)
Above change ubuntu if you change the username, while creating the user
Installing GUI
#Update Repositories
apt update
Gnome desktop
apt install gnome-shell gnome-terminal gnome-tweaks gnome-shell-extensions gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock nautilus nano gedit dbus-x11 tigervnc-standalone-server -y
If it doesn't work, use
before it.
Install Ubuntu Themes
apt install yaru-theme-gtk yaru-theme-icon -y
If it doesn't work, use
before it.
Configure VNC server
mkdir ~/.vnc
nano .vnc/xstartup
Paste following it, and save by control (CLRT), x , y , and enter
service dbus start
gnome-shell --x11
active it
chmod +x ~/.vnc/xstartup
Fixing systemd issue with Gnome
for file in $(find /usr -type f -iname "*login1*"); do rm -rf $file
Start VNC Server
vncserver :1
Go to the Real VNC Viewer app, set
as url.
After Using Ubuntu, you have to logout
vncserver -kill :1